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You'll Never Be The Same
Authors: Gary Morsch & Steve Weber
Dusk Jacket Press- 2015
ISBN-13: 978-1943140404 (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 978-1943140411 (Paperback)
RETAIL PRICE: Hardcover $19.95 | Paperback $14.95 | Kindle $6.99
Transformation is the heartbeat of this book. Within these pages you will find ordinary people who are living extraordinary lives because they made decisions to serve people in need, and in so doing, are living the most fulfilling lives possible.
"You'll Never Be the Same" tells the stories of people who were willing to step out of their comfort zones. Within the first few pages you'll be faced with a choice: Are you ready to transform your life and serve others?
Let's get started. You will never be the same!
The Power of Serving Others
Authors: Gary Morsch & Dean Nelson
Berrett- Koehler - 2006 | Reprinted by Dusk Jacket - 2015
RETAIL PRICE: Paperback $12.99 | Kindle $6.99
You want to help others, so what's stopping you? Is it that you think you don't have the skills, the time, or the resources required? Here, Gary Morsch - a physician and founder of one of the top international relief agencies in the United States - and Dean Nelson show that everyone has something to contribute.
Packed with extraordinary examples - including the relief efforts of Morsch's Heart to Heart International in the aftermath of both Hurricane Katrina and the devastating tsunami in Southeast Asia and stories of the authors' personal experiences with such high profile figures a Mother Teresa - The Power of Serving Others - proves that we all have something to share.
You'll learn that no matter where you are in life, no matter what your skills or resources, you can change your own life and the lives of people in need. All you have to do is start right now, right where you are, with what you have at this very moment.

When There's No Burning Bush
Authors: Gary Morsch & Eddy Hall
Baker Books - 2004
Available in Paperback only
Many Christians-although they care passionately about serving God-are unfulfilled and frustrated by their jobs in the church. They feel confused about how to discover God's call and integrate it into their everyday lives. When There's No Burning Bush emphasizes the ministry of all believers and contends there is no "secular" work. Rather, any work that glorifies God and meets people's needs is ministry.
Morsch and Hall explore six common myths of ministry and shatter them one by one. Drawing from personal experiences and other real-life examples, they help readers identify and understand their unique call. They also introduce a shift from program-driven ministry to call-driven ministry. A practical Study/Action Guide offers eight interactive sessions to be used in group settings. Also included are helpful resources for congregational leaders. The book is an excellent choice for study by laypeople in all denominations.

Heart & Soul
Authors: Gary Morsch & Dean Nelson
Beacon Hill - 1997
Available in Paperback only
A challenging account of faith in action, Heart and Soul is the story of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Using illustrations from Heart-to-Heart International, the authors sound a call to discover a place of service in the local community and remind us of God’s faithfulness to those who would give a cup of water in his name. More than simply the story of a great organization, Heart and Soul is an empowering, inspirational tale about bringing dreams to reality.
" The new humanity cannot be gained in abstract reflection, nor can it be obtained through action alone. Within the context of action one experiences the mystical presence of God, and as one reflects upon that presence, one comes to know the God who is eternal."
~ Excerpt from INTRODUCTION by Tony Campolo

The Lay Ministry Revolution
Authors: Gary Morsch & Eddy Hall
Baker Books - 2004
Available in Paperback only
Many Christians-although they care passionately about serving God-are unfulfilled and frustrated by their jobs in the church. They feel confused about how to discover God's call and integrate it into their everyday lives. When There's No Burning Bush emphasizes the ministry of all believers and contends there is no "secular" work. Rather, any work that glorifies God and meets people's needs is ministry.
Morsch and Hall explore six common myths of ministry and shatter them one by one. Drawing from personal experiences and other real-life examples, they help readers identify and understand their unique call. They also introduce a shift from program-driven ministry to call-driven ministry. A practical Study/Action Guide offers eight interactive sessions to be used in group settings. Also included are helpful resources for congregational leaders. The book is an excellent choice for study by laypeople in all denominations.

Ministry: It's Not Just for Ministers
Authors: Gary Morsch & Eddy Hall
Beacon Hill Press - 1993
Available in Paperback only
The notion that there are two categories of Christians, "ministers" and "nonministers," was foreign to the New Testament Church but has persisted stubbornly within the Christian Church through the centuries.
MINISTRY: IT'S NOT JUST FOR MINISTERS reaffirms the biblical mandate that all believers are called to minister...and just as importantly, how they can discover and implement their call. This is a book for clergy who are ready to enable laypersons to become partners in ministry, and the not-yet-but-ready-to-be-ministers who hunger to embrace the privilege and responsibility of ministry that is theirs as part of the Body of Christ.